
In Memory of Barbara Flanagan Krajewski who passed away April 19, 2009 If we could have one more day with you.... We would hardly speak. We would simply listen to your voice and commit every tone of it to memory until it became our favorite melody. We would look at you. We would study your eyes and your mouth, and we would learn every angle, every pane of your face until we could see you perfectly with our eyes closed. We would hold your hand in ours. We would trace all the lines on your palm until they became a trail-a map- that we could retrace on our own palms every time we felt lost. We would soak you up and take in every last detail until there was not a single thing that we could not recall about you. But one more thing , if we had one more day with you, we would hold you so tight. We would hold you so tight and remember the feeling of your hug that would last a life time. If we had one more day we would tell you how much we love you and miss you every day. Love you dearly, Sarge, John, Erin, Grandchildren and Great-children